Open new tab with jQuery

Created on: 30.07.2024 08:52
Last update: 30.07.2024 12:08

english 8021

Open new tab with jQuery

In most cases, you use the function in the link (target="_blanc") to open a new tab.
However, this doesn't always work. As an example, we take a link and use it to open a new tab.
In this, there is another link that should open a new tab.
But this no longer works because the browser thinks that your tab has already been opened and opens the new link in the same tab.

With the following code, all tabs are reopened without exception.

<script>jQuery('a[target^="_opennewtab"]').click(function() { return openWindow(this.href);}</script>

Copy the jQuery script into the header area of ​​your page and replace (target="_blanc") with (target="_opennewtab") in all your links that you want to open as a new tab.

As a link example:
<a href="url" aria-label="name" target="_opennewtab">

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